Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Spencer S - Turbo

 The title of this image is "Turbo." I took it at the Summit with my Nikon D40X. I didn't do much editing, but I think the image would look better if the turbo were more centered and close-up.


Anonymous said...

I like this photo a lot. The detail in this photo is really nice. I think the framing is really cool how you only see select details such as the light and the mechanical parts inside the engine. I like this photo and its great at showcasing the way to light and frame a picture like this, good job.

Anonymous said...

I love the image the amount of detail. I do as well think if it was more centered and closer it would have been better.

Anonymous said...

I really like the composition of the photo. My only critique would be to use different depth of field to have all of the components in focus.