Friday, February 25, 2022

Mitchell C- Facing Reality

 This title is named Facing Reality because I was trying to recognize the need for social reform, and the reality of America's current environment we must face in order to find true equality. I photographed my friend Dorian in the photography studio at Hoover. I used a Canon 6ti with a kit lens from Mr. Rigsby’s cabinet. I like this image for its complex composition, the ambiguous feeling the overlapping faces portray, and the overall tone created by high contrast and the intense vignette. If I could change something, I wish I had shot slightly brighter so that I include parts of his hair. Considering African American hairstyles have been an ongoing debate, specifically within modern beauty standards, I felt that would have been an important thing to add in my image. Other than that, I am very pleased with the result. 

Drew B- Bryce Hospital

 I took this photo at old Bryce Hospital in Tuscaloosa I took it with my Nikon D5600. I really like how the image came out I then edited it with a photo editing app and made the image look old and grainy

Hannah B- Brooke

The title of my picture is “Brooke.” This picture is of my friend's little sister Brooke. I believe it was taken at Bluff Park Elementary School for the Story Illustration Assignment. It was taken with my Iphone XS Camera. To edit the picture I changed the hue, saturation, and color balance.I think it could be better if I had taken the picture at a different angle so you could see more of her face. Overall I really liked the way this picture came out.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Linley W- The Great Elephant

My picture is titled The Great Elephant. I took this picture over winter break at the Jacksonville Zoo in Florida. I took this picture with my Nikon camera. I also got a new camera lens for Christmas, which allowed me to be able to shoot far away things, such as this elephant. I edited this picture in a few ways. I first cleaned the picture up and sharpened it up. I added darker shades and lighter highlights in order to make the overall elements contrast with one another. I turned this picture black and white because I wanted it to look more formal and majestic. I cropped the picture also in order to make the elephant come into focus. However, I do wish the eyes of the elephant were brighter. Overall, I really liked this picture. It is probably one of my favo

Allie S- Leaf Girl

 The title of my image is Leaf Girl. I made this composite for our last assignment. It’s a picture of a leaf I took on June 3, 2021, my sister I took on October 16, 2021, and rocks I took on May 5, 2021. I took the leaf and sister pictures at my house and the rock picture at school in the courtyard. I took these pictures with a Canon Rebel XS. I edited them by blending them together with various blending modes and then brightening the picture overall. I feel like I could have blended a little more seamlessly and made it flow a little better. 

Kaitlyn R- Golden Hour

 The title of the image is Golden Hour. These are multiple images that were combined into one main image. The images of the letters were taken in September. The picture of the hour class was also  taken in September, and lastly, the picture of the statue structures was taken in April 2018. All the images were taken inside. All the images were also taken with my canon camera. The way I edited the overall image was by combining all of the images together and erasing certain parts of the image, and at the end I flattened the image and added a filter to make the image look like more of a golden color. I think it could have been better if I changed the direction of the letters and erased some of the other parts on the image that might stick out differently. 

Sydney R - Sgt. Smoke

The title of my image is, “Sgt. Smoke.” It was taken in the studio about a month ago. It was taken with my D3500 Nikon. To edit, I first made a copy of the background, which was a portrait of a friend. I erased her head from the copy and then used a smoke brush to make the smoke effects. To finish, I cleaned up the edges near her collar to make it seem seamless. I wish that I had made the smoke more realistic by adding more highlights and shadows, and playing around with the opacity a little bit more.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Madison R - Sleepy Cat

 This photo was taken over Christmas break in Savannah, Georgia. This photo was taken with my D3400 Camera. I edited it by bringing down the brightness, bringing up the contrast, and turning it black and white. I think if there was less glare in the glass then the picture would be better.  

Shae M- Hands of an Author

The title of my image is “Hands of an Author”. I chose this title because I really like the composition of the image, and that was the feeling I got from the image. I took this photo in September in my living room for the hands and feet assignment. I took this with my Nikon D3500. I edited it by adding contrast, changed up the brightness, and spot healing a few parts. It could be better if it was a bit brighter and more focused. Overall, I’m really happy with how this image turned out. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Merit O- Rylie

 The name of this image is Rylie. I took this image in the spare bedroom in my house. I took ten foil and put it on the walls and had two lamps that had different color bulbs in them (one red one blue). The image was taken on my canon rebel T5. I edited the image by taking one of the pictures and flipping it upside down to overlay. I then made the top image more saturated and cleaned up some of the foil areas. Lastly I went in with blue colors to add some balance. Overall I very happy with how this image came out. 

Nema H- Blue Sky

The title of this picture is Blue Sky and it was taken at the Finley Center on November 10, 2021. It was taken with my phone and I used Photoshop to edit it like brightness/contrast, levels, and the color balance. I like everything about the picture and wouldn’t change anything except for the lighting on the clouds. 

Monday, February 14, 2022

Mary Ryan Ml- I'm Feeling Blue

The title of this image is I’m Feeling Blue. It was taken for my sustained investigation for the song Baby’s in Black. These were self portraits taken in the mirror in my room. To edit the photo I first cleaned up smudges on the mirror, and I edited out any distracting items from the background. I changed the overall colors of the image from warm tones to a blue shade to tie into the song better. It could be better by having a better definition between my hair and the background. 

Clay K- Missouri, County Road 5

 I took this image in Missouri going down county road 5 heading to Columbia. The image is unedited and I don’t feel it needs to be heavily edited at all. The image was bright and color full with pretty decent focus for it being taken on a phone in a car.

Bess H - Lamp Post

 The title of the image is a Lamp Post and it was taken last year in November. I used my Canon 4000d and it was taken at night in Homewood. I cropped in on the image and I think I upped the contrast and brightness. I also used a filter and adjusted the vibrance. I wish I could have gotten rid of the glare around the light. 

Diana H-Khaled

My title of this image is Khaled, which is the name of the kid in the picture.It was taken outside in a parking lot around 3 PM.I took it with my phone camera.I edited this picture by darkening the color a little bit and it was also a portrait picture.I really like the way this picture turned out!


Friday, February 11, 2022

Jack J- CSA Negative

This image is titled “CSA Negative” and I took this image in Jasper on January 9th. I took this image with my Canon SL3 and I edited it by merging two images together, masking and forming them into one and I added a threshold and gradient map and then finally a photo filter. The image could be better if there were not so many trees in both images but the area was trees and buildings so I couldn't change that. I wanted this image to show the cultural identity of the South with the over glorification of the Confederacy and my own dark perception of how I see that part of my southern heritage.


 This image is called Evil Eye. It was taken a couple of weeks ago in R-Dog’s studio. It was taken using a Canon T6i. It was edited by decreasing the brightness and increasing the contrast and vibrance. I wanted the eyes to look extra creepy so I edited the eyes individually.

Katie G- Solar System

 The title of this image is Solar System. I took it for the composite assignment. I took all of the pictures with my Nikon camera. The first thing I did was take pictures of these cups that looked like the planets in the solar system. Then in photoshop I cropped them in a circle and moved them onto a blank black background. Since I didn’t have a Saturn cup, I used the Jupiter one changed the color, and added the three main rings of Saturn. Once I had all the planets I put them in order and adjusted their size to be more accurate. Once I had all the planets in the background and up to scale, I found a space photoshop brush pack and downloaded it. I then used the astroid brush and the Asteroid Belt in between Mars and Jupiter, used the star brush to add all the stars, and used the moon brush to add Earth’s moon. I’m so happy with how the picture came out, and it is probably one of my favorite pictures I have ever done. 

REGAN F- Fireworks

The title of this image is Fireworks. This is a composite photo I created for our composite assignment. I took a picture of my sister, fireworks, as well as some landscape and trees and combined them all. Each individual photo was taken at a different time in a different place. When editing this picture I used a lot of blending options to get the photos to join together nicely, as well as some NIK Collection filters to the individual images. I also enhanced the brightness and vibrancy to the photo. I do wish that the photo of my sister was a little more defined but overall I’m very happy with this image.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Sasha C- Corner Light

 I took this photo at St. Louis in the evening. It was taken with a Nikon D3200. I edited by Bringing up the brightness and making one side of the image brighter to show how the light was hitting in real life. Also I used sky replacement to match up the color with the build and making it softer. 

Sophia C- Lemonade

The name of this image is Lemonade. It is a mix of photos I took over the first semester. All of the photos were taken with my Nikon D3500. I mixed images of lemons, a sunset, and falling water. I first added the light orange background on a blank page. The purple part of the background is a sunset that is reflected and put on the hue blending option. The lemon was posterized and I changed the hue of the lemon before I added it on top of the rest on the image and applied the divide blending option to it. The water in the middle of the image came from the image I took of washing an apple. One thing I would change is how the water ends abruptly, but overall I like the way this image turned out. 

Monday, February 7, 2022

Mitchell C - Clay

 This image is titled Clay after the model. I shot this photograph in the Hoover studio for one of my Sustained Investigations. I used my Canon 6D camera body and an 85mm lens. I like this image because of its interest and how the light source only illuminates a part of his face. I like this image, but if I could change anything, I would probably just like to have a little bit more light hit his face.  

Amira A- Read the Past

I named this image Read the Past  because when I edit this image I use a book and in the background, and I use flowers and they are different: the picture on the right I took in full and the other one that is on the right I took in the spring season. These images are taken with my camera name Nikon 350. To edit this picture I use Composite Assignment. It would be better if I add mor