Thursday, March 12, 2020

Faye M- False Idol

The title of my selected image is “False Idol,” only because I wanted an edgy title. It was taken in the studio but I don’t know when, probably a few months ago. It was taken with a Canon Rebel t6, and I edited the crap out of this thing. I started with a basic contrast adjustment in order to exaggerate the shadows and the highlights, which was later added to with a surplus of dodging and burning. Then, things got weird. I started the weird-ification wth the eyes, removing the eyes and replacing them with skin using the clone stamp, and later layered the horizontal static overtop. I added the circle behind the head, and added the static swell as a blue color to go with the overall color scheme. I like this photo because of the texture of the skin swell as the colors of the skin, the warm and cool. I like the way it is, but commentary and criticism is always appreciated!

Alexa P- Lamp Post

The title of this photo is Lamp Post. It was taken on February 14th in the schools courtyard. It was taken with a camera. I edited it in Photomatix as an HDR for the HDR assignment. I edited it by applying a filter to make the sky in the background look a little bit cooler and grainy. I am not sure what I could do to make it better so I’m open to any ideas of what could improve this image.

Anna S- Dazed and Confused

I titled this photo “Dazed and Confused” because Katie told me about the movie. I took this photo in my room of my friend, Tennyson. We put foil up against the bathroom mirror and used my colored lamp for lighting. I edited this by taking the main photo, I previously edited, and applying a double exposure filter on it using another picture I had of her. I really like he way it turned out.

Ainsley M- Milk Bath Photoshoot

This picture was taken the other day at my house with a Nikon d3500. My friends and I did a milk bath photoshoot and added flowers into the tub. I edited it by clean up the milk around their faces and rearranging flowers to make this fit in the image a little nicer. I also added the black and white filter before adding brightness and contrast, as well as darkening certain parts of their faces. I also brightened their eyes a bit and the flowers in the water! I really like how it turned out and I’m not sure why I would change!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Spencer B- The Structure of Nature

No Statement Provided.

Yuliana Z-Wrapped In Plastic Revision

This is my revised version of my photo Wrapped in Plastic of my oldest sister. I decided to go in a different direction with the photo. I tend to make my pictures very dark and after I took up Mr. Rigsby’s suggestion of lightening up this picture, I found that I liked it better. To me it showed more vulnerability in her since its bright enough to see more of her body. I also increased the detail and contrast to bring more awareness of the plastic shower curtain, trying to resemble a film she hides behind. Increasing kept the darks of her hair dark, brightening the photo helped show more of her as well as showing more of the reflectiveness from the shower curtain, and increasing saturation brought more colors in the blues reflected and her skin tone and lips. I decided to take off the lines because to me they were distracting and I was trying to put more into my photography, but I felt that it took away from this picture. I also decided to remove the “glitch” effect because I wanted the picture to be more clear and easier to understand. I liked the original idea I had but I prefer this new version

Olivia N- Limelight

The image is called Limelight and was taken in the studio. The photo is a portrait and was edited in Photoshop using the Nik Collection. I edited the image by increasing the contrast in order to have the subject become more of a silhouette. Also, the background was increased in saturation in order to have some sort of lighting in the background. I think the picture could have better if it wasn’t as dark and grainy in certain areas.

Katie N - Untitled

I don’t have a name for this photo, but I took it over the summer at Yellowstone. I saw a huge patch of these beautiful purple flowers and just had to take a picture. I edited it by adding saturation of course, then added contrast so there was more detail. I then lightened the water droplets on the flower to make them pop more. I don’t know of anything else to do to make this photo better.