Friday, August 29, 2014

Anna Kathryn D- Day Dream

This picture was taken over the summer, about mid july. I took this with a Nikon D50. I edited it by enhancing her freckles with the sharpen tool, then I turned it to black and white. I added contrast and took away some of the brightness and added some exposure to give it a more subtle look. I think it could be better if her eyelashes on her right eye were in more focus. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Hannah S- Birdy

This image is Titled Birdy. I took this for the animal assignment at the Birmingham Zoo. I boosted to color and saturation, then used the touch-up tool to clean up around the eyes and beak. I feel if the whole body was seen it could be better. Overall I really like this picture.

Allison S- Yellowstone

I took this photo in Yellowstone National Park this summer. I took this picture with my canon sl1. The only thing I did to edit this was boost the contrast and make it just a little brighter. It could be better if the ground was a little lighter. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Meredith V- Train

This image is titled Train. It was taken in Downtown Birmingham about two weeks ago. I began editing by editing the picture of the train. I boosted the contrast and the brightness, as well as sharpening. I extended the train by making a copy of it and then blending it together. Lastly, I added the photo of my brother and placed it on the same layer as when I edited the color of the train so that it would transition well. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Ashley G- Midnight Fence

Midnight Fence is made up of trees, a steal gate, a clothing rack, and an umbrella to give it color. I used the color burn filter on the clothing rack and the saturation on the umbrella to give a slight color to the picture.  It could be better if I had something in the bottom right hand corner.