Monday, May 6, 2024

Aidan P- Generator

This image was taken at Sloss Furnace back on December 28. I used my Canon Rebel T7 camera to take the picture from different angles but this one was the best. I used a filter to add an old look to it while also increasing the grain. I made sure it had a slight yellow tint for the and by doing these things it made it a little less clear. I do like tnat it made it look older though since it’s a picture of something old. I thought it gave it a look from an old film or documentary so I thought it was at least an interesting picture. One thing I might change is a little more light in the back but that might mess up the front some. Overall it was a different picture from my rest but once again I thought it was at least an interesting picture.



Anonymous said...

I really like this shot! There is something really eerie about it. I wouldn't change anything about it, other than maybe cropping it in on the left a little bit. I like the tint you added and I agree that it looks like old film. Good job!

Anonymous said...

I like this picture a lot. I really like how it was edited making it look kind of old and I like how the green is the most vibrant and the rest is all dulled down around it.