Monday, February 19, 2018

Julia M- "Hey you look funny!"

This picture is called “Hey you look funny!”. It was taken over the summer when my boyfriend and I went to the zoo and I just fell in love with this parakeet in the place where you can feed them. I took it with my Nikon D80 and lots of patience. I edited it by flipping the picture and drawing a skeleton of the parakeet over its reflected counterpart. After that I brought the color back though the bird to really bring out the skeleton and colors. Next I got rid of the excess bird by using a lot of the stamp tool. Last but not least I merged it all together and but some finishing touch ups and became really happy with the outcome. This is the second bird that is going to be apart of my animal skeleton reflections. I hope to branch out to more mammals and really get fun with it.


Alli J said...

I really like this photo\, and i love the way you reflected it. im not sure how you made the skeleton but it looks really cool and advanced, id definitely like to know how you did this to make it look the way you did :)

Anonymous said...

This is such a unique and wonderful idea; you're very talented! I love the definition of the bird's feathers and the technique that you used to edit this image. It's very high-def and the subject is very clear. Amazing job.
Danielle M - HHS

Anonymous said...

I've watched you work on these in class and it is very intriguing how you stumbled across this idea and I love the way you've executed it. It definitely is some of the best work I've ever seen. The way you have drawn the skeleton and reflected it with the colors matching to the way the actual animal appears on the outside within the bones is nothing short of phenomenal. - Cullen Steele