Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Ella H- Monkey Buisness

 The title of my image is “Monkey Business.” I took this image during the zoo field trip in April 2024 at the monkey exhibit. I took this picture with my Konica Minolta Maxxum 5D Camera. I edited this picture by increasing the exposure, contrast, saturation, and vibrancy. I feel that this picture could be better by increasing the exposure a bit more. However, I am pretty pleased with how this image came out. 


Anonymous said...

I like this photo, mainly because of the title. To make it better I would make mask of the monkey and the thing he's sitting on and lower the highlights and shadows, I would also invert the mask and make the background darker and more saturated and add a slight vignette to highlight the monkey more

Anonymous said...

This is so cute! I do agree that upping the exposure would help out the image a little bit, and possibly adding a little more focus to the monkey somehow would benefit this image.

Anonymous said...

This is a really good photo, I really how you caught it with it's mouth open it makes it look like the monkey is angry or yelling at you. I like the position of the subject and the quality, Very nice photo!

Anonymous said...

This is so cute! The monkey seems either slightly dull or out of focus, but other than that this is a great image.