Friday, September 20, 2024

Aleli S- Walk

I called this photo walk b/c it's a photo of my friend Reid walking “into” the water. This photo was taken at Aldridge Gardens here in Hoover I edited this photo using Lightroom changing the colors by making them a little bit more yellow I think this photo cold be better if i added more light to it 


Anonymous said...

I really like this photo! I like the yellow tones in the background and contrast of the model to their surroundings. I agree that if you brightened it up a little, it would be better. Overall, great job!

Anonymous said...

I really like this photograph! The color is really cool and the quality is clean and good. I personally think there is too much space on the left side so i would crop it. I would also brighten up the subject a bit more. Overall, you did an amazing job!