Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Dalia AH- Pile

 I named this image Pile. i took this image in my garage with my dad’s collection of vintage license plates, I spread and scattered them on the floor and snapped some shots. This was taken with my Canon Rebel T1i and I edited it using various filters like the Nik Analog effex, color effex, and viveza. I also added another picture of a wooden floor and made the opacity of it low to show through the original photo. I also added scratches to the photo using filters to give the photo a rustic kind of feel. I’m not sure what I could change to make it better. 


Anonymous said...

it looks good the way you taken each of the tags and put them everywhere and i'm guessing you overlayed it but overall it looks really good and great lighting.

Anonymous said...

I really like this photo the texture and color. All the license plates bring a vivid look to it with the shapes in the back ground and i think it looks really cool